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Control Panel

The Control Panel allows you to manage all of your servers via its tools, such as Mass actions.

It also boasts the ability to Import and Export your bot’s settings to other servers. See the HOME section below for more information on importing and exporting settings.

It also contains TRIGGERS.

Guild Tools

Click on the name of a tool for more information!


Triggers are a very important feature of Monni as they allow you to do nearly anything you need. Custom Logging Systems, Multi Layer Verification, and Auto Roling is all possible.

These triggers can be built with our user friendly action builder as well as a block code editor and code editor.

We highly reccomend you see our detailed page on Triggers.


The Home section displays general Information for you and your Server.

You can access the Home section of Control Panel by accessing the dashboard and clicking on Control Panel.


This is the section where Tools, such as Mass Actions and our Timestamp Tool, are accessible.


Logs from events in your server are stored here. Moderation, Setting changes and debug information is sent here for your satisfaction.


You can create an API key in the API section of Control Panel.
(A more detailed page of the API section is currently being worked on)