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Permissions and why we need them

Monni is an extensive discord bot with a lot of features. With these features comes the need for multiple different permissions. After reading this article you will have a better understanding of what permissions we request and what they are used for.


  • actions: Anything the user can make Monni do with features such as mass actions, role actions, or Simpukka.
  • ...: Future features
  • Moderation: Moderation-related planned features.


Importance is an indicator of how important permissions are for the integrity of the bot. There are 4 levels.

  • Essential: Missing these permissions may break most features of the bot.
  • Visual: Missing this permission may cause some visual elements to break.
  • Important: Missing these permissions could break some features of the bot but are not always required.
  • Optional: Missing these permissions is unlikely to break anything major and are usually requested for future use-cases so you don’t have to reinvite the bot later on.


Manage serverManagement and editing of serveractionsEssential
Manage rolesManagement and editing of rolesVerification, actionsEssential
Kick membersKicking membersactionsImportant
Ban membersKicking membersactionsImportant
Create inviteCreating invitesinvite create commandImportant
Manage nicknamesChanging nicknamesVerification, actionsEssential
Change nicknamesChanging bots own nicknameOptional
Manage webhooksCreate webhooksloggingEssential
View audit logSeeing audit logloggingImportant
Send messagesSending messagesactions, loggingImportant
Send messages in threadsSending messagesactions, loggingImportant
Create public threadsCreate public threadsOptional
Create private threadsCreate private threadsOptional
Manage messagesDelete messagesmoderationImportant
Manage threadsDelete, create, edit threadsOptional
Embed linksLinks in embedsverification, loggingVisual
Attach filesSend filesloggingImportant
Mention @everyoneMention everyone, here and rolesSimpukkaOptional
Add reactionsReact to messagesImportant
Use external emojiGives access to external emojisVisual
Use external stickerGives access to external stickersVisual
Mute membersVoice channel muting accessmoderationImportant
Deafen membersVoice channel deafen accessmoderationImportant
Move membersVoice channel move accessmoderationImportant